3 Quotes & Sayings By Satyajit Das

Satyajit Das is an author, columnist and commentator who writes on global affairs, international business, geopolitics, culture, technology and the environment. He was formerly the India bureau chief for Asia Times Online and has been a consultant to the World Bank. Das has written eleven books that have appeared on The New York Times bestsellers list. His most recent book is Extreme Money: Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk (2009).

The truth is that banks are the last feudal kingdoms, their rulers omnipotent, divine warlords. Their key lieutenants are 'ronin' (wandering mercenary samurai) who roam financial markets ready to ally themselves to any warlord for a share of plunder. This is not the place to apply the latest management theory. Satyajit Das
Fashion models and financial models are similar. They bear a similar relationship to everyday world. Like supermodels, financial models are idealized representations of the real world, they are not real, they don't quite work the way that the real world works. There is celebrity in both worlds. In the end, there is the same inevitable disappointment" - Satyajit Das, Traders, Guns & Money Satyajit Das